Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York (2024)

if i -I-' rw- DRY-GOODa-'s AUCTION SALES. rANTBZ i a inroTiuES MORNING vEXPBESS. Y- TE If Prtsbrcfa Cclrft i I TTir ANTED FROM TWO TO THREE rl FOR SAL---AlWO 8TORT TRAXJC lUjtarUd or th vfml Morninf, rprwsa. TSVOntASJO, THURSDAY, MARCH 20. J85.

i JL DwwUiag OB th Berth aVAsof Carrolt street, aoar Cotcac street. Hews ta goed repair te toXxlv. iMT- THE MORSE IJUT1JMPT0N lisaasiaBB. EXTENSIVE SALE OF HTW FTJENTTTJEE MX ORDER OF THE SHESLFT. Mt PLIMPTON mWELCMMe.

AS MamnttreeC' TnonaaAT. lOct'cloek A. thewaad douars worth of Bemds and Mortgages. six handred doSars warth aaack ia Aaaorieaik TrasHtwrtation Company. a loquircof WM.

PKitOTT, Real Estate Agent, rr A grvew stay las. sues i swown mi HP -A IsTTXiiioETrr JTcdosv The fbBowing hi a true copy of a BSttcaa of law Isaned by a Justice ef the Peace ia a aMigBbering tows. exptaias itself Jn. a waav aoxfaBymlellfcjearf meaner 9 bbm 41 Towa JAfc-Trs TotkdSherifor af OnutaUe faTast Cwafy Oaxar. Wleceas, eompUlBt on the oath of James been made before tbe undersign ed.

Justice of thejpeace of town, that a the eighteenth day a MarehJSS. avr 25 i riSTCbitOir Woud Atlaj, CoKFirat Mr. Wuw, bolt agent ibr Buffalo, wlO remain at the Niagara i far- jrmmMmmHtStaltmttmmVmtum IThejwb-Be are advised (hat tho Library Boastssf Toltew a OfetotiaarOntea, sjooes. Sreea T'SZJ aav Irea sst wh srisn to raort there for Beading, ry of valuable book. rf ssriw-two rrTic Ladles of live Aoaorlattem fort hie lnori18cBol, now held fer ite-tatrd year a So.

10 Seueol House, Delaware street, wish to inform th public that their labors for lhepresent season are drawing to close, sad ia expressing their heartfelt tbhaaka tor the liberal support they have met beg at th aaaie time to fl FOR SALE L0W-r-A NEW 1-S STOBT wm ae saat with 1 at sasatwa, anaawdls 1 llsa tsa St. Loris, March 18. Brick Hoowe eo the eorsrerlTss.h sal fsa a iarT saeh sw lrwssare, csasristinsi ta partef ta Sou nnti about th 1 of April, where the At af Democratic Anti-Know Notbinw Cobtcb LtisbUihet' eat Sft V-Vl KITTEN DEN A Pi yestoirtey. tbA Ssliowuig rtsMlulioa was HI I Hi dodged, by tb Conventioa bot mTStsiniwg the) do- rLALE-DWELLINQ OS TEE COR- is said county, that Richard Boa, bis name ncknown, but It. JT.

dfc K. I. SHERMAlf cfc .203 1UXX STREET, BUFFALO, Jobbers and Hetaileis, 1 At now offering" Bplenrlid assortment of CUUICK 1R88 SILKS, J. ROBES and VALEVTIAS. Of lhelr Oirn ImporLatioa, eisiosa or tMktAair 'V i aad Swaaau sate, adth tot soasa.

wnoae person Is known to thia deponent, an Irishman. B. MXCFACTtEER9 Or SILVER PLATED WaIEE, Aad dealer ha every description of GCBJIll Sf l.VtK dfe fSBIT lfARK WO UL CALL THE ATTENTION OF persons in tboe brancoe trade to th following aamraje which th-y give, sad engage tonphold to th letter. That thy now Manufacture, and will cotUinoe to do more Silver Plated Ware than almost any other bouse 11 1 in gew gooa Kesoived, We will ot support i at, the ap repair aad weU arrangea. me saw.

tBOouror, oa the Canals, did meet this deoooent about 14 1 May law. proaching city alesrticas aay aaaa kbm doesi sot feSO CR1 11 anden a PKESBRET. Chairs, 1 distinctly avow oppoeitfoa te RepetbricaninBt, and as. Sola, stocAera, who will not pieaee himeeu to guppcrt the nom- half aiile this side of Lower Blackroek in fit Road, and did knock this deponant down with his fist and after I was down did kick aa several times with his toot, and Btreekawmth face, and scattered fay Good eroaad ka a FOR SALE FRAKS COTTAGE, XO. 9we street.

Let Heaaa dsahls fac-Kijlto lsssniiB Ataj Ut, fer, tswec of th Btmoentia KaUatua-CAafentioa to tiapros a Boo cast raose rsmnwa ana store Beepsus wno bare net yet contributed te the work ml charity, win do so at tlusianeture by sending either to Mrs. Leva at Dr. Cast's, corner of Delaware and Bar streets, Mrs. Atb-Babbv East Eagle street, or Mrs. Cocruurn, zl strsnkifa street, soma smoii dwtuuioarta new goods or warn doth-, ing for cither girla or boys, an theTadles enraged in the cause will meet together to repair or sake themi up, being most sarions to have each poor child comfortably Clothed previous to dispersing them few tho gamaser.

Beveral Ladtea rerJrt)g the sunkcs at ysung Sirts (rave hired thesa from this scboal wstb mac a aatiafacuo to tbesESeivcsand te I sdirs of th Asaoeiatieeu mho have Entirely styles and destgiu, and not to Le be held at Ciwinnati in June next. I lu tee United Stales, and warrant it interior to none. Eng 1864. PrtectSSea. few t.

the Highway CRITTEKDHI dk PRESBAXY. iod eiaasroer. ASS rf Plain Whhe and Printed BiilliaUts, I tw drawer Leaf Steads, 16 vwaty-foar inch Sates Tabsrs, 16 thirty de no 4 Towel stecks, 1( Oate Steefc, I do CtrnfawT asserted, Id Toilet Stands, tillirsflifas A letter to the Xiseoori Iemorat iramTorekB the 8th, says that at fc joist sesniosi ef the Legis- These are, therefore, ia the name of the People of the Anas rlmclals amy be Men and orders taken and Me4. agea, hopes mod to be sbls te fin tita luierMj orders already taken is this city, a the virion elegant StrUm of binding ere In conrae of preparation ae Cut as peesTbU. We baT before called th attention of oar ertl-stns to die investigation of Udi enterprise hich eballen-flee eeeeper iiea with any ether Anas fa the world, sod only has to he examined to diaeover its merit Thar never wa a Mom wbea a 'work of this kind aa to aaoeh leuuUod aa at present.

Oar facilities for racnl tesscmaaa are neey complete wltirtb aid of thta Tut atoroheeeWof geographical, statistical and historical information. Its Beiional attraction are only to be realised by iBTsstigatmg it pages, which, are rich with inform" Hob neVrr before abowo on any map. The agent haa alee CTree's new mounted Hapi for 1854 a complete assortment Jaatreeefred. Also, Lrrrxaocrrr's Pronouncing Worid Gasetteer, which it said to contain Dearly 100,000 names of places, brought down to a recent date. tSTKavEDHo: Sis, Tbe undet signed, citi- lish, French or Americas Thai they offer the Trade, and purchasers in weraL advantages whi'-h esBaot, withoet a loag-aeqaaintaace with uuo'a-turers.

re obtained elsewhere, via; LIBERAL TERMS and EXTRKMELY FOR SALE FRAME HOttSE. OX State ef Hew Work, to command yoa forthwith te tab the vnestaat stee at aea BW-aa. Lmt S3 1rmA Breat said Richard Roe, and to bring hi before me, at my efflce la said towBute answer ante the matters contained hs said maw is. Mna. FRElnl susat BI6LBH PBIXTS, Bad choice Stylos af a- WHITE JO()DS: Hoes weS arranged.

(Me seSW tare on that day, Aadrew li. Keeder was elected U. Senator the first ballot, and James H. Lasra on tho secrsail, Each caadidaAe received 88 votes Baemhen-s beine preaoiiL The State always essdesrrored seteet these frm the best disposed CHITTENDEN A PBJD4BXZY. QaaHettea, DrsesiBg stereaea of oak, Diaiag Tabiea, complaint, and to be farther dH with according to law.

and most Industrious, at the same time giving ukiq a liUie otrtAt ia ckrtbiDg. ij -i i LOW PRICES, and agree to execute orders more promptly than Si usual in the same line of basinesa. To avoid unaeceaaary delay, parties requiring credit are requested to state dlstincfy in their eommunicatiOBS the names and addresses of their referees, and th time they are desirus of buying on. G. A Co.

area Id obsti tv, that for CASH, or at SO or 60 FOB SALE A CHOICE FARM OF Dated at said town, the eighteenth of March, 1MOC Legislatore had bees In session at Topeka from- We have also received by recent amvals a solMd id stack af Oa Battel ss CeaaaSerSest, w. 4e ateh ogay aad aMWIekiagwIssiis, as sorted. Ates At tho aaaa has aad nsace, th tasasrar ef a xne ecaeoi will close tor tae eamraer wim a wesuvai for the poor children. a SATURDAY, the 6th of April, 150 aerwa of lead wsthia. ass mite or Ailvw tkwae.

wiLbgood hoase aad lal alHiaea. seAaoroa waster a hteh state ef eaMlVBAtea; aa erohard ef aateeted frait with pares filied with a great variety mt shrubs aad Bewers. Prte toe Atfe teuu inemaive. The Governor of Itissonri yesterday signed ail days, aa uaaTMally larsn diseonnt will made. Beardtef Hiasr, ssaslseing ef i SsssaSs Bad BidSls g.

Carpeta, Ohasrs, Tables, Wusataada, A A. Bad th public are most aaraeaUy solicited reader it a plentiful treat by their general con ti motions, Th baskets af Drovisiotis to be sent to Bo. 10 School Justice of the Peace. bjbt- Wasted. From twenty to forty active A complete Ust of their assortment of Goods, and their tbe railroad bonds applied tor.

g4Q aa eor oa sey rsrsas Alto 126 acres exceUeat farssiBg tend ta LirtBirtO, HE ATT BOD SHIRTING MEDIUM AND FINE FRONTING PRINTED SHIRTING Mahowaaw Iteasa. 1 Hoase, Delaware street, at 10 o'clock on Satardaj nora- prices, can ae obtaiaed by writing to GARIGAULD A mrlJ-1 yj Sit Broadway, New York. and intelligent lads, who are wffllug to station themselves In various parts of tbe city and. stand watch (or "local ing, the of April, isoo. mrswapo Parlor Chairs, lectors.

Oeatr hroke, tw HUM rrem aaxea. a acres asent batanc wM linibsiid. ISew Bat and Cap Stores sens of WostAalJ, Cteuteaowe county, having read tbe A MDiciRi Fom the Seasow At thia Depot, arncle la yonr paper of recent date, on tbe subject of the s.wr lk saetrepelitaBv Tiseotire. Also io acres or tend 1 saus west ofrwasbreAo aa th State roed. This Farm has oa At a Bead a Items." They wiU be expected whenever aa accident, a lire or a runaway occurs, or any thing turns up of interest PILLOW LINENS, all qualities ia every vidthj arsaard H.

BEDSON. FOR THE LAST THSEK faeieosed frait, aad ia weU adapted te gseuial fiissiiig particular season when diarrhea and other summer eta-ptaints are rife, a gentle purgative, which will thoroughly cleanse the stomach, and remove tbe seeds ofioisease, without debilitatfnjr the system, is nisrhly dea'rahle. Boeh to the public, to rush to th office with the fleetness of LK. PUMPTOS GROCERIES-AT AUCTION. PLIMPTON WELCHN.

54 Jftete Stnmet. TavasAAT, Marca 20th. at 10 o'clock A. Kara in charge ef th Manufactory Department ef Also 158 acres of heavy timbered Usd ia Newetead. SLeicnwm hwiiw muvwiiw vm uviuaaii malt aad vicinity, that ho has Just opened his SPRING medicine may be found ia Dr.

L. B. Wright's tasteless Ates Ararmoe acres team aaster food STTLKS of i wUl be sold aader th diiectlaa ml th SaerhT Liquid Cathartic, or ramuy rnysic," wnicn, witaoat aav of tho Baaaeating eftocta of aeena. msgoesia, or cas Man, laNewstead, with anew ft sssik lies HATS AND CAP OF THE TUI BIST 8CALITT, Abe 12 acres la Neaslia. af good Aad of the most fashionable and pop alar styles, tor oil, searches to the bottom of the disease, and leaves the stomach In a healthy state.

It has been thoroughly tested by tbe medical faculty, and ia highly -com mended about 40 acre heavily llmliiwed Then isaiae a goad r- 1 hhds ctegar. Abo boxes tot foil Tobacco. 10 eaaas Aae set eawwtnr Tobacco, 1 bexs Cs read lab, tx.aca7 7 abate sbboMbc Tohacoe te balk. Also bbh) crashed, powdered aad graaahrtrd saajan Ates 66 chests aad hf chests Hvaaa. Msec akiavlueLa At x9 JBaisi Bcreci, sip stavrs.

cnaro oisetoctea iruitupon in premasra. Als t0 acres of land, with a aewLteam Saw Mill a by multitudes of our ctfcaens wno keep it ta constant use With his eaperieans as a Hatter, be caa solely say, that in their famine. For children it is aronounoed aa ad LINEN SHEETINGS, i BAMSLT DAMASK TABLE LINENS, DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, all sizes from 1 1- to 6 yards long. SCOTCH AND IRISH DAMASK NAPKINS AND TOWELS, BADEN-BADEN bleached and an- bleached, BATH AND ERICTION TOWELS and GLASS LINENS, Comprising the best makes and moat perfect a-gortmeat of FAMILY LTNKNS bis aianaTaeinres cannot as ouuilea By any otiier estao- the premises, ta the Tewa af Ctexkwsa, Moare ceaMy. About 160 acres under good cultivation balance hearfly timbered, nrineioadlv hesaloek.

-i- twnaient, see-ouy ii. u. iexUH mirable aperient, being mild yet efficient, while it is taken without difficulty, in coaseqaene of its being tasteless. Genpewder, Oeteag, rWkwtg, Btark Cbarles H. JBupny AN AG Corner of Jatchigaa A venae aod South Water Streets, ClLteagOj Illinois.

THE UNDERSIGNED WILL TRANSACT a general Real Estate bsBines in ILUNOI IOWA, and adjoining Stale. Particular attenttoa-givea to the purchase and sal ef farms, I'ulmprovrtt Itndx Sc. Town Ixita. Extensive local connections and titer facilities are formed, equaling thoss any Western house for locating warrants, examining lands, for Dishing mapaaud descriptions, payment of taxes, Ac- i Owners of western lands, residing at the east, will find this Agency a good channel to bring their lands Into market. I Property offered tor aalo will, for a small sum, be en.

tered in our Catalogue and circulated gratis throughout the country. Capitalists will find favorable opportunities for investing ia rapidly improving Western property. The best of references given. i CUARLES M. DUPCY, Late Load Agent of the Illinois Central Co.

DAVID B. OGDEN, mrlSdom Late of New York. rersoas going ta a country will so weu so my in a sup Any of the above Farm will he sxcheaayd ter City Gresn Taaa sarOsros hi aidu- aad asahea. nimble feet, regardless of every dung else, hat the cause of Mo compeosatioti paid an til after tbe experiment is thoroughly tested. This expedient is resorted to until perfect system of telegraphic communication can be established aaronghoat th city, which will make the duties of "local" editor still more easy.

We do not expect business men to leave their pursuits to aid in toe collection of news, although favors of this kind are thankfully received. tar-A Nrw Wat Aovcbtisino. We were the other day approached by a young man who presented us with paper to read, following that act by a solicitation to be appointed Collector for our business. Cp-oa glancing over the writing we held ia our hand, we dis-covered that itwss to inform whoever It might concern, that the bearer had collected for another parry soxe ten Vumtaiui (UUtirt witldn On epace of five month. This paper, we suppose, is shown to and read by Arty persons a 100 has Basse's beep, Ne 1 Pais pate.

Family, chemical olive aad palm Property. Eaquiroof JaM CRrVTCrpatt PRE3BRET. ply of this valuable medicine. Dr. Wright is a practitioner of eighteen years' experience ia this city, and may be consulted daily at his room, 4o9 Broadway, from 12 to 2, without charge-Jiiftwxia VourUr.

ana eases Bramb I astis. GentiemeB's ForiiisLiiiig tioods. ALL KINDS OF Ti SIIIRTS aad TJTITDER-CXtrrHlAO, AT VERY LOW PRICES, Such as every variety of WHITE SHIRTS, UNDER-SUTRTSi fRAHTES, ABEACTU'CL LOT ON PEARL, NEAR AltesLBtrettlfoet teeat blsoM dean tea wide 5 faaey. Candy. 1 cask Imaerted Rasteaa Brandy.

Its. alley, fox sale, part an time. Price 60 and ta cents pes ootue. rorsaieDy: mrlO-lw COLEMAN, and all Druggists, everywhere. gas- Ocrsrsus's suacl Bestrd's Patent dandles Atet AO hxs sealed Herring.

lOaOSaa eaured Ualtewt. BUSPEKDKSS, GLOVKS, SOCKS, SULRT-COLLARS, jelt wuiTiuiysj a ritnjnnax. 70R SALE SEYENTY-FOUR ACRES OF L1 rood Land is the tows of Ripley, IX miles from th We hare ever had and equal to aay stock in the United Silk and Linen Pocket HadJi'i. States, and still continue to give entire satisfaction wherever they are used. They are pronounced superior to any for sale in this market, Stearins Caodles not excepted.

We warrant them full weight, six Candles weighing sixteen oun keg ateteh Iterrteg, Dry Fish, 1 case Sardiues. Also CO bogs refined fait, A ease Davis A Filler's Masterd. ty Torsas fanda. mrl a State Une. Five acres cleared, and the balance heavily timbered.

Will be sold at a bargain by Every Variety of MUCfl CHEAPER Bvytd CRITTENDEN A PRESBRET. ce. Bbort weignt in venoies are mucn in use at than we have ever before sold thesa, as are new oftefj- At prices unneara ot, sucn as 8KLF-ADJUBTINU NAPOLEONS, Ac, KimxxKe BELOW cowt UK.PUMPTON Atoiaava. day, thus advertising the public that the party whose iresent tnac consumers 'woui a serve xneir own anieresss Inquiring tor OOWAN8 A BEARD'S full weight Patent -t ACRES OF CHOICE LAND SITUATE XU on Walden street, beinr the kiahest rround listosui EXTENSIVE SALE. OF DRY GOODS AND name was signed to the certificate, was doing a large and 1 8 1 8 To make reosa few ether goods at Uanales, lor sale.

By an uie pnnerpai wnoieeaw an reoui dealers in tho Cfty. urls-lw prosperous business. The young man, after ws concluded Ing them at a hsialx ahvahvas on ta i COST TO IMPOST. Also, on hand a large stock of cheap Sightly Linens, especially adapted te HAWKERS and PKDLASi' OP LINEN tiOODS. which we will! 1a all case anotilv to Genesee and Ferry street, ea th lie of the proposed extension of Utica street.

MTLLINGTONS, 259 MAIN BTREET, THE OLDEST SIGN PAINTING noble donation by the Commfttoe of the late Ballroad Fes-tival, to oar former friend and townsman, J. MoWbobtex, cannot with old oar tender to you, of oor warmest thanks and gratitude for the Just and feeling manner in which yoa have alluded to that an fortunate gentleman We hare long known him he spent the best of his life in oar midst and a more dean-ring man for Integrity, manliness, and all the qualities that adorn the human heart and character, does not lire. We are at a loss for len-gaage with which to convey our high appreciation of the ae of these gentlemen, composing that Committee, lor their timely munificence. Win you please allow ui, through your columns, the above brief but heartfelt tribute of acknowledgments. If.

Kress, Jambs MoClcbo, A. 8. Wstxs, Hons Joassros, J. B. BabooCK, Woua Sbxkm, Taos.

B. CAMraau, W. E. afoasa. Jobs H.

Mirrox, Jou 0. HwcaXlT. March 17, 1864. Dasbl RecxwxLU t3f" Thkatbi Ticket Niout. There a line bill for this evening, and one which must eecnre a full bouse.

That sterling play of "All that Glitters is not Gold," it to be produced, In which Miss Out plays "Martha CHbha," 0. Babtob 11 ill the part of Stephen Flam," and Ur. Kooebs "Toby," all of which win be well represented. Miss Ella. Waxxxx direrslflei the entertainment with dances by herself, Miss noons and La petite Sarah Bootaa.

The evening's entertainment is to close with the Uughter-provokloffawrtetta of," Po-ca-hon-tai," In which Miss HoceoB and Mr. Wbajams appear, together with Mr. Bnx and Mr. Salbbwbv. The various parts of this humorous representation are admirably sustained.

Miss Houeox sings sweetly and plays inimitably in the character of Pe-ea-ben-Laa." Mr. Williams sustains the character of Pow-hat-f aiy" with remarkable success for a novice. He la bound to shine as a star, If experience improves his early powers at dramatic representation. Miss Hodsoh's engagement Is too short The public will regret its close so' soon. 3f Editob Mobnikg Express Sib You will please correct a statement that appeared In your last Issue respecting Messrs.

Frron, Holsbook A Dxs's intended removal Into my store. Tbe store having undergone a through repair is now nearly completed, and will be re-opened In a few days With an entire new stock of Paper Hangings, of my own ar 'ftee Qreant Antidote for Eplelcmle is CLOTHLNG tiitKiir ti SALE, PLIMPTON mt WEXM-6m) Matn Street, Ttjbbdat. Aprfl 1st, at 10 o'elock A. reading his credentials, did not press bis application, but ocS7tf Oppoeitethe Churdu. i jail UKnTBTrt uaw a rammiir.

NORTH SIDE OF left to show the "document" to other parties. It is a cunningly devised mode of advertising. Lhem aa low as can be purchased af any importing house will be sold by order ef the SaernT, stock ef Dry Goods aad Clothing, eoastetrng of Exchangotreet: be feet froat threw toBtnebust Eclectic Therapeutic Institute, Attica, N. Y. Establlalmi' tit In tbe Clly.

NWILGU3, HAVING DISPOSED OF HIS entire interest in the SIGN PAINTING Business to V. It. SCOTT, Who has been his principal Sizn Painter nearly eleven near the Old City Line. Dr. Jas.

McClintock's Diarrhea Cordial, which has frequently been administered to over two hundred patients in a single day at the City Cholera Hospital and. City Prison, Philadelphia, during the frightful epidemic ot 1883. In cases of Diarrhea, Cholei a Morbus, Dysentery', Cholera Infantum aad Summer Complaints, it gives instant relief. A speedy cure is sure to follow its use. It is mild and (3T Meuriam'b Last.

If we are to rely con ocov vtuxEjivais at rascDaai. Broadcte as. rsmimsra, costings, BaUnelta, Sheep's Grays, -Dress Goods, Prints, Detainas, SbeotiBgB, Drillings, linens, Silks. Shawls, and a general assertmeal af ether in tne Eastern marts. DOMESTIC GOODS, The choicest makes, which we are selling at the MASoFACTURER'8 PRICES.

I mrl'i R. 1). HMERUAK ACoJ A Choice lot on the easterly side of Niagara street, south of Hudson, 7( feet front by WHY IS THIS HEALTH INpTJTCTE SO LIBERALLY PATR0N1ZIUT Among other, for these reasons Because, One distinctive feature is, that thei elements sf years, takes great pleasure ia recommending him to tbe fidently upon Prof. Mebuam's prognostications regarding the weather, we must believe that we are now passing through the last eyele, or cold term of th season and tha Spring Is soon to burst upon us In all Hs loveliness. We sale torcnuorensna aau'is.

com vy 183 feet deep, for sale cheap by Dry Goods. i o. u. r.ctiAMffLaji, 90 Mtiin corner Weattagle. sets UKtTTBnuan irsciui.

mrT-2w Clothing psoi oaata, imsmtss osaw, rnysics, rbysiology and Chemistry, whit compose its system of TaaaAriA, ar rattenally as wall sis practically demonstrated. i will wait and see. Wc were yesterday visited with a very 9TWf A Bloomlnsr: Costtplexlon And a Goodl FOR 8 ALE HOUSE AND LOT No. AO Geodell street, betweea KIMoost aad Oak ate with creditable flurry of snow. The wind was from the south public, aa a person every way worthy or confidence and in his Business ranking as one of the best Mechanics in this City.

Paint Shop N. 3 South Division street. SCOTT'S CARVED LETTERS FOR SIGNS Are ia gi eater demand than ever. Every size and style got up at No. 3 South Divison-St.

mrl 4m appetite are the results pf using Dr. Jas. McClintock's Alterative fyrop, for purifying the blood, eradicating pim-Dles. blotches. Scrofula, and all kinds of taint: from the Cassimsga aad Satiast raatateona.

Vests, Shirts aad Cellars, India Rubber Ceate, Ac, Ae. Torsss AM swass aader lOSeesh. over aiaeaiee- in 10 minutes walk of tbe Pet Office aad near Mate sll set. west, but rather mild, and we are of the opinion, If Mxb- Because, Th system of Remedial Procedure, is strictly ParsioLoaKiAL. Because, lu patrons are we: I pleased with the character system, and creating new, pure and rich blood also, his kiam will let the weather alone, that it will get along very cleverly for the remainder of the season.

ty days oredst will as given tor satisiactary beak Botes. oi use jBMitauon, wiin its remeoiai sucoeas, ana warm-It advocate Its nrorDeritr. The street is paved, sewered aad lighted with gaa. Tbe walk Is nagged. The let bubIo, Bteofced with grapes aad choice fruit trees.

Tho hoas la smndhwa and ia good repair contains 2 Parlors, Dining Rsias, Chamber, Dyspeptic r.nxir, lor uyspepsia, maigesnon, loss oi appe-titend all diseases incident to this complaint, ldetren Ath Because, la style, elegance and th comfort It affords, II AfjenoM baxvkh. MAURICE VAUOHAN, wiU seS at Auction, of Old Flanders, Count Huo of SPUING. STOCK OF I RICH AND FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS NOW BEING OPENED AT MURRAY CUMMING'S, Consisting in part of New and Elegant Spring Silks, PLOISCED B1XK ROBES, FRENCH PRINTS AND BRILLIANTS, Kitchen and wooa House, roaessnon given stay tat, ens the stomach, assists: digestion, creates a good appetite, and speedily restores to health tbe sufferer. -Sold by 1866. Terms Easy.

Enquire of Craenhone and Wooden Clara. From the Flemish of Uks-Darc CoNHCiEHes. London Li KB EXT A Co. Woodward's Bonnet Rooms athisAacbon and OoawUsstea steossa, adjoining th ci. '1 ner of Main and Quay streets, ea SATURDAY and TCli- -y jaoO CRITTENDEN A PEESBKET.

DAY next, at o'clock A IL, I (eaeral toHrctioB 0 We are indebted to Mackios Vaughn, Nos. 1 and 2 Quay v. n. r. vriAmjrLiiK, mr7-2w 291) Main corner West Eagle.

VW Delicate I. a its cannot safely be trifled WILL BE REMOVED AGAIN ABOUT the First of May to the spacious Store corner of uansurpaased by anyleailh Institulioa withia oar knowdge. For further Information Address the Proprietor, and in return receive a pampElet of 16 pages, containing its announcement, three shirt explanatory letters ef its Therapeutics, and testimonials jf its trona. OR1N DAVI8, M. Jal-dAc8m i Proprietor.

oiyoito; w. AiiiTiiA's FOR SALE A SMALL COTTAGE ON street for a copjr of these thrilling religious tales, which Walnut street, near William Terms easy. Main and Eagle streets, under the 8T. JAMFS HOTEL. I i f12 CRITTENDEN A PRESBRET.

where he proposes to do a general Wholesale and Retail Hoswchom farnitare, MewJialid av, ac. kST' Terms, Cash. MATJhICE TAPQH AN. Auctioneer. 1 1 1 The (greatest Dkeorery of the Age ON HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE North street.

A desirable stwy Brick Horns The most beantiful assortment aver opened in this City. Mu-UBBRi BuswfcSB, on a much larger scale than heretofore. Merchants and Milliners will always find at this Establishment a complete stock of all the desirable Goods in we have not read, and therefore cannot, speak of their merits. tS New York. Papers.

Bacon general news dealers in the Clarendon, will deliver to subscribers the New York Dally Herald, Tribune, Times, or New Tork Morning Express, on the arrival of the express train with, and yetBns of thousands or our population are annually swept off by pulmonary diseases, which, In their inclpiency, a few doges of Dr. Jas. McClintock's Cold and Cough Mixture would have radically cured. and coughs lay the foundation or Consumption andi Bronchitis, and where this has; unfortunately been the case, the patient is earnestly recommended to try Dr. McClintock's Pectoral Syrup as the only meauu of present relief and prospective cure, for sale by nearly neiahed, at tho corner of North aad nirtoenth-ot.

market, and will be supplied on terms as advantageous, main part lbxtu, rear xaxse it; 101 00 rrom oy a aaerage ef about 165 feet win be sold partly ob Uum IoumI Ofllcto sad General Acteey, Baffa's, THE UNDERSIGNED HAS-JOPENED AN Office over the Banking Office of UNhrt. Kobibsob A corner of Main and Seneca streets, where he is ready to effect insurance in the most reliable PIRf, MARINE and LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES, negotiate BONDS and MORTGAGES, purchase and sell! REAL ESTATE, ooiu as 10 nine anu prices, as can oe obtained at any or the Eastern Cities. I le'21 decAN ukitisb usn a rviaDui, Delaines and Cashmeres, New Styles. Rich Embroideries, Laces, We have also roceived'an invoice of Plaid and Striped Silk, PROFESSOR WOOD'S HAIR RESTORA- TIYE This preparation, aJOmegb teas tha a tw years ff before th Bwhtlc, ewteg Ms weaderfal eShcte anea ts i': human hair and already obtained a celebrity f. aad sale perfectly unparalleted It hsay without the ord nary applianos used for such parpeors, wan Its way, and li been heartily weloasaed te asost ef tho cities sod to as in A tha Ilnitxl aialea.

th Canadas. and the West India la. Ty. TTORALE THE REFORMED PRESS Y- JiUFFAIiO AIV1 TOIS OATO. U.

11. 1. IU1X3UTL1.T, mrS-fw 290 Main corner weit Eagle. rlT Dr. McClintock's Medicines have tills RENT STOKES, HOUSES ana lots, collect rents, pay JL ten ftn "juurca proper it.

ituaica vu nuiwi mr Carolia wirttL. Lot 40 by 124 feet, with good chrct well arranged on the gronnd. Epqatre of The Steamer CHIEF JUSTICE ROBINSON, Cant. JohnMlddocx. wlllcom- as.

make searches. Ac. Ac. Any! business in the great merit they strike at the very root Ot disease. They These (odds Which will be closed out at great bargains, will be set aside from our other stock.

shove line is respectfully solicited, and Will be promptly lands. Nor is this result surprising, when It is remeBiber-that Ka popularity is baaed apon Its merits, seAelrvsi es attended so. In addition to our stock of Fancy Goods, we are bow FOR SALE. A CHOICE FARM OF 60 receiving a large stock of i BsmascsB: Messrs. Livingston, Fargo A (American Express.) acre in the town of CtarksoB.

Monroe T. do not merely symptoms, but literally extinguish the complaint. Those who have tested lait Fever and Ague Specific, proclaim it to be the only radical cure for that distressing complaint and sufferers from Bilious affections who have tried his A nti-Bilious Pills, 4 re equally enthusiastic in their praise. Sold by I p. CWAMPi.rv.

HOUSE FURNISHING Buffalo, N. T. hero is a fine orchard, and a general assortment ef selec There i OOODS, meuce on Monday, the 21st of January, 1868, to ply regularly every day, (Sundays betwean Toronto, Niagara and Lewiston, in Connection with the New York Central and Erie and Ontario Bail Roads. Leave Lewiston at 1 P. and Niagara at 2 P.

and returning willleave Toronto for Niagara and Lewiston at 8 A. M. Pare from Buffalo to Toronto Cabin 5 Deck. Passengers leaving Buffalo by the 9 A. M.

Train will arrive in Toronto at 5 oclock the same evenins. which is ted fruit on the premises. Dwelling house is early new. ith good out-buildings, nrice to per lavoraaw terms. Iau81 CRITTENDEN A rnrJtBRKl Messrs.

Robinson a Bankers, uonaio, N. x. Messrs. John R. Lee A James Hollister, Preet.

Hollister Tank, Buffalo. J. 0. Sann, Backets Harbor Bank, Messrs. Pratt A Co, Hardware William Foot A Produce Comprising LINEN SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASE LINENS, LINEN TABLE DAMASK, TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS.

TOWELING AND CRASH, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. mr7-2w i Main corner West fagle. li tgtT" Evenlwsr Sessions ot tlie Brtffialo Mer COTTAGES FOB fc ALE TWO COTTAGES on east side ef Hampshire street, between Eleventh three hour and a quarter ahead of the Great Western cantile College. What is so valuable to a Young Man, as sod Twelfth streets, nearly finished, for sale low part on tablished by actual teats. That this preparation will ac- tnally RESTORE GRAY HALE 10 lis NATURAL COLOR, i produce a luxuriant growth upon the beads of the bald, 'j 1 Erevent th hair from telling oa, and which used as a tei- article, aredoes a coatinaal bow ef the eater kg ates, -and tha nador th hair soft, gtessy and wavy, doatry diseases of ths scalp, and expel dandruff, th certificates j' distinguished gentlemen snd ladies, la every part of th country who have tried it, and therefore speak what they know, most fully attest.

That by a primer use of this 3 Restorative, th hair can be made 1 attain and retain its natural eoter to almost any ar allotted te humanity, by removing the eanse ef diet a at th acelp oo matter of V. how long steading the ooacarrcat testimonials of the press and the certificate of numeroas respectable indivi- duals of both sexes, leave no doubt. Circulars containing i fall particaters relative te tbe as ef this carativs, as well as the reoommendstlons of th editors aad certificates be- fore alludedj to, can be had of all ageats. time. lais ckittbnimsh rssuui.

ty Savings Bank, Buffalo. a thorough Commercial Jutucauonr, it secures to nim Place and Salary associates him with business mea. and aiessrs, wmto a rrunams. Bankers, Bunaio. Messrs.

Wells, Butterfield A (American Express) No. elevates him to Independence, Influence and Opulence. FOR SALE. TWO DWELLING H0US- BROWNED BLEACHED Sheetings and Shirtings, in the evening, at 18 cents per week, or 75 cents pr month, in advance. mrSO-lw t3F Mr.

D. V. Catohey, Merchant Tailor, is to remove from the store he now occupies, under the office of this paper, in a few days, to rooms over the store of Messrs. Gcbhtheb A STBvras, 103 Main street, nearly op- -posite, where he will be happy to see his old friends. I5fy Fatal Accident.

We understand that a young lad, whose nam we did not learn, was kicedby a horse, on Tuesday last, so severely that he died in three hours afterwards. He was unconscious after the occurrence. The accident happened on Carroll street. Eg" are indebted to Messrs. Wanzer, SIcKim A for No.

IT of Habpkiis' Story Books. This? number is filled with the story of Elfred, or the Blind Boy; and his Pictures. Also, for a copy of Hakfirs' Hagasine for April. Single copies of the Exprest may be had at Haass' News Depot, Post OfBce. Also at A.

P. Bacox A News and Periodical Depot, Clarendon Biock. IT The joke cracked on strangers by the hack drivers at the Falls, of very seriously asking them if they knew what that little bsat that performs such daring feats was made of," and then enlightening their ignorance by Informing them she was Maid of the ifist," hi vSry good. We do not know what Chamtlhi's Xylophloi es and a Tannery, with acres of choice land ia The macipais oi tins institution taxe pleasure in announcing to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Buffalo and vi 62 Broadwsy, New York. -Messrs.

Keller. Townsend A Bankers. No. 48 Wall tbe village or Aurora, will oe seta at a aargaia. eb- quireof au8 CRITTENDKN A PRE8BKEY.

street. New Tork. Of all widths and qualities, all of which will be offered to our customers at prices that cannot fail to please the closest buyers. MURRAY A CUMMIN 0, cinity, that their Evening Classes are now Ini successful operation. Krery department of Book-keeping, Commercial Calculation and Penmanship, will be taught in lie Augustin Eaton, President rviucestarre uoai 74 Broadway, New York.

LOT FOR SALK 124 FEET FRONTxlOO deep to aa alley situate on the west side of Pearl st. mrl il .194 slain and at Pearl streets. most ethcient and practical manner oy teacners orexpcri-ence and acknowledged aliility. A well.iurnished and between Virgins and Alien street. KaiiKoaa uonte.

Hamilton, Jan. 18, 1858. Ja22-tf ERE PTORY SALE SPECIAL NOTICE The desirable premises at foot of Carolina street, feet front on the Canal, running back to with brick building 100x143 and fire proof roof, is offered for immediate sale by the subscribers. These premises have been hitherto used for washing and drying damaged grain, having vats, Ac, and 4 superior drying kilns, and two excellent floors of 100x145 feet each. Also, a steam engine of 40 horse power, with several run of stones and all the needful appliances for grind ng all kinds of grain and making the first quality of flour.

To any party wishing to engage in the purchase or wet grain and flour during the present season, these premises offer the very beat facilities for taking care of the same, and putting ft Into marketable order. SULLY A ECKLEY, Citlsen and Farmers' Land Office, mtlT 4 Hollister Buildings. vino cttJa-natuiH a rsuuMutu pheasant room is appropnatea totne use or Jbadies wno may wish to receive instruction either in Book-keeping or Heo. K. Baldwin, sisq Attorney, Ho.

nan st, lore Messrs. Wells, Fargo A Co, No. 82 Broadway, U. 8. Lansing, Esq No.

72 W. A. Livingston, Albany, N. YJ G. W.

ALLEN. Buffalo, February 14th, 1856. felotf 1 BaooarrxLB, Jan. ITth, lSbo Paov. Ween Dear Sir: Having mad full trial of yoar Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure te say that its ef CASH DRY GOODS JOBBING HOUSE.

I i Penmanship. i Qel' WANTED TO EXCHANGE 160 ACRES Farming Land near Qui Dry, Illinois, for City pro To Rent The large and spacious store No. 64 Main perty, jao cm rrmum a MURRAY 4, GUMMING FOB SALE OR TO RENT A TEW MFOR SAL A NEV5TWO STORY House with attic on Franklin strneti House 40x56 through and fronting or! Hanover street, being suitable for any large business. This stare is fitted up for the Hardware business, and has Tinsmiths', Coppersmiths' and Plumbers' ehops fitted np, with benches, tools, brick hoase on the north side of Riley street, which fects has been excellent in removing mnammauon, aan-drug aad a constant tendency te Itching with which I have jij been troubard tea cbUdaeod, and has also restored my hair which was beeomiag gray, to Ha original color. 1 have easd ae ether arttete, with acythiug ilk th pleas.

araadwrat. Yours truly, J. K. BRAGO, Pastor of the Orthodox Church, BraokAeld. will accommodate a family or six or eigat persons.

ARE NOW PREPARED TO OFFER WESTERN MERCHANTS AND THOSE OF THE ocxo ukii rsjMian a rauoui gas, waterAc, which will be sold, together with a portion of the goods now in store to any one wishing to succeed in the business, which is a very desirable one, being feet deep, with gas, water, Ac. Also, a good Barn, suitable to keep a span ot horses, carriagey baggy, Ac. The loft above will contain four tons of hayi Lot 4xl74 feet deep, with clothes yard, garden, fruit trees, Ae, Tbe above is one of the most desirsbl locations (or a genteel residence on the street. Price (10,000. Kj.

COR SALE A FRAME DWELLING NO. SI7 11 ROUNDING COl'NTRYy JL ii 8eventh-st IV stories with gsod cellar and lot well established and having a goocrclisa or customers, 27x140 ftto a saved Alley. Hoose In rood repair. Pos emenced fanlng off' Paor. Woon Dear Sir My hair 1 Enquire on the premises or i apl9tf JOHN Q.

DDDLET A CO. DISSOLUTION. THE CO PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between James Fallon and J. B. C'rapo, under the name and style of J.

Fallon A was on the 1st day of Mrch, lsf tt, dissolved by mutual consent. JAMES FALLON, Dated Buffalo, March 7th, 18S6. JAS. B. CRAPO.

Also, two story doable house on Franklin street. House session given on Msy 1, 1P64. Price, iy0 ea very easy some three or four years since, and continued te do so an i 80x40 feet with back kitchen, a first rate well of water. I I I became bald. I tried all the popular retsedies or th terms.

Enquire of ciuttenijem a ALL KINDS OF Imported and Domestic DRY GOODS, rium is made of, but wc know that It Is made of something that surpasses any thirs we ever saw for preserving anj cleaning the hair, Ac. Call at the corner of Main and West Eagle streets and get a bottle. mrl8-lw cistern, gas, Ac. Lot 42x174 feet deep ilh garden, fruit OR SALE FIVE ACRES OF LAND IN MARCH 1st, 1856J trees, Ac. rriee th old village of Black Rock, wUl kesoidoatsy Also, two story new Brick nous on.

1 earl street, wiin OS It I CI GOO terms, enquire ot modern improvements, gas, Ae. LotAOxl '5 feet deep. jald CRITTENDEN PRESBRET. mce selection and Importation. The remainder of my old stock is selling off cheap for cash, la warehouse In rear of the old stand on the Alley.

By making this this correction, r. Too will oblige Truly M. II. BIRGK. March 19, 1866.

We probably misunderstood our Informant li. regard to the matter. We have since been informed that Messrs. Fitch, Htjlbboob A Das have taken the store formerly occupied by Messrs. Mabvib A next door to the premises named by us.

3f" Youko Men's Christian Union. By re-j feres oe to an announcement in another column, it will be perceived that the Library Room of the Toung Men's Christian Onion" Is open, every day, from 2 to 8 o'clock, P. free to any one who wish to make it a place of resort We are glad to learn this fact, for we supposed that one of the principal objects contemplated, in the organization, of this Institution, was to afford young persons re-aiding In the city, as well as those who come here as strangers, an agreeable, attractive and profitable place where they may spend their leisure hours, and riahly store their minds without coat Such an Institution is worthy of the fostering aid of our cltisena, and of the attention of our young men, and must become a lasting blessing to present and future generations who resort to it as a medium of useful and wholesome knowledge. fg Bridging the Niagara. A bill has been reported In the Senate to incorporate the International Bridge Company, from some point in the city of Buffalo to some point near Fort Esie, In Canada said bridge to have two draws, of ample width to pass any steamboat, one across Black Rock Harbor and the other across the main channel, near the Canada shore.

The capital stock to be 1800,000, in shares of $10 each. The Commissioners to receive subscriptions are Messrs. F. P. Stevons, Orlando Allen, C.

8. Pierce, Ralph Courier C. A.Milllken, Silas Hemlnway, Payette Rtmsey, 1 T. Hatch and Edwin Thomas, all of Buffalo, and are' to meet on the first Tuesday in Juno to open the books, and may adjourn from time to time, and from place to place, in the county of Erie any adjournment not to be for a longer time than one week. tW Mr.

Anson O. Chester, late of tbe Buffalo Ejoprem, has become connected with this paper, and wiU hereafter contribute to its Local, Literary and Miscellaneous Departments. Courier. It will be perceived by Jhe, above announcement that Mr. Cbbbtbb, who recently raptured his engagements with this establishment, as he remarked in his valedictory, from bis own desire," and upon the most friendly terms" with the proprietors, has connected himself with the editorial conduct of the Courier.

Having been "permitted, for the first time to pay his respects to the readers of the Courier In a formal manner," and having begged leave to make his obeisance, and to extend to one and all a most cordial greeting," we take pleasure In congratulating Mr. C. on i his now relations, hoping that they may prove pleasant, lasting and profitable. gr Bishop O'Riilly, or Harttorp. The Beaton Pilot of Saturday says There is little doubt lhat the Bishop of Hartford is In the ill-fated Pacific.

A letter has been received from a friend in Ireland, saying that he was to sail en the day the Pacific sailed from Liverpool theSSd alt There Is yet. hops that the Pacific will be hoard from." Ihe general impression among the Bishop's friends is, that he was a passenger on board tbe missing ship. He had been on a Journey to the Continent, and to Ireland. The name of Mr. O'Reilly was on the passenger list The Bishop was formerly pastor of St.

Patrick's church, of this city. Accident and Death. Joun Bilkie, The undersigned will continue the Tailoring and Furnishing business, heretofore carried on by J. Fallon A at the old stand, 202 Main street. Mr.

J. B. Crap is retained as foreman or the establishment, where he will be happy to wait on his friends. JAMES FALLON. mrlOdtf Also, two new three story double Brsea nouses, oa west side of Delaware street corner of Alien.

The above houses are not finished, and will be sold at a -bArgsin if applied for soon. JAMES G. DUDLEY. BTO. 3 MAI If STREET, Eatt tide, near the Clarendon, GIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE SETTING OF As low as they can be purchased ia any of the Eastern Cities.


Price (2,700. BIKD CAGES OF HOME MANUFACTURE. Perhaps some would be surprised to know that there is in our city a Manufactory of Bird Cages on an extensive scale. There is made a great variety, from the common to the most elaborate finish. Thev nosseas ad- AT TBB I NEW YORK CLOTlltNG STORE, 164jMIN STREET.

The proprietor of this Establishment bega leave to inform his patrons and ths public generally, that he has just received a large and beautiful assortment of Cloths, Cassimerea'anid Veetings of the latest styles adapted to (ientiemen's wear, and would Invite yoa to call and examine them, as he is confident it would be lo yonr advantage. I Also, a large stock of Ready Made Clothing, first quality, manufactured or the City trade. A splendid assortment of Boys' Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, constantly on hand. B. An early call will secure bargai a.

mr6-8m JAS. 11. BOUERT, 164 Main street. POLICE! SBVORS POLICE JUST1C1 DRULLAID. March 19.

David Welch was convicted on a charge of committing an assault and battery on Wm. Crawford, and sentenced to pay's fine of (10. Henrietta Wileon was sent to the Penitentiary for 60 days as a vagrant. Voan Mackie was convicted on a charge petit larcenyl, and sentenced to be confined in the Penitentiary for 60 days. Caroline ArmeLroiig (colored) was convicted on a charge of petit larceny, and 'sentenced to be confined in the Penitentiary for 8 months; inquire or william rntsJirr, fe2s Real Estate Agent, Hoi 280 Main-st.

Chiison's Air Waxming Furfiaccs, uay, mil i cuki mt was inonrca mme ywire; Uair Restorative and aw very happy to say It hi doing wonders I have now a fine growth of yuag hair, and cheerfully reonrmend Its use to all similarly afflicted. A. C. WILLIAMSON, ISA Second strett. St, Louis, March 1864.

3 9 Cabltlk, I1L, June xT, I have used Prof. O. J. Wood's Hair nestoraave, sLd have admired Its wonderful effect. My hair was bocom-: Ing, as I thought, prematurely gray, but by rhe as ol hieN Restoratlv It has resumed its original color, aad I hats no doubt, permanently so.

SIDNEY BREEZE, Ex Senator Uatted Stares, Thx Gbbatbst DicCovxBVorTBB A ex It seldom occaraM that we notice, under sny drcamstsnres, patent medi- -cines, restoratives, or anything of the kind, for we have a. prejudice against most of them But candor compels sm to invite attend ea te the advertisem, nt ef Prof. Wood Uair Restorative. We are te Juvenile te require an thing of the kind, but com instances Its as hav eomisS to our knowledge which almost assure as it It a sovercigil remedy against tbe hair becossing prt state rdy gray. It is aot a Uair Dy bat apea its applieaslen as directed the effect is produced oa the skia, which brings out lk original native colored hair, witboat stiffners, and giresi it a glossy and nataral appearaoca.

we hav sera peii Vantages over the imported Cages in their substantial 1 SSS. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. wS make and greater durability, and also the beautifnl styles in which they are ornamented. We are certain that citizens only will have to know these acts to sustain this iiomeManofactare by their patronage. Manufactory 81 Main street House-Keeper's Emporium, 217 Main-st.


N. B. Merchants visiting tho City, will please call and examine out" stock. MURRAY A HUMMING mr8tf 1M Main and 89 Pearl streets. Trains will leave the Erie Street Depot of the BT B.

KEMWKK, PKAOIIOAb rlAJMBKB. New Yrk Central Ballroad as follows (Sundays excepted 1 GAS FITTIMG IS ALL BRAKC1IE8. 9A.M., lrOO P. f. jand P.M.


CBAS. B. BSDflBLD. URincte: Jesse Hoyt A Adams A Buckingham, Rawls A Seymour, Dows, tiuiteau, A David Dews A Grant, Bayles A New Tork M. ii.

Read A Son, E. A. Durant A 8. Ifale, Grant, Armstrong A Andrew White, Com me eial Bank, Albany. my 10 western naiiway upr FOB SALE Dudley, Boll's STOVES, and HOME COOKING STOVES AT VERY LOW LOW PRICES- $9-00 only for a good heavy plate Cooking Stove, with furniture complete, (18 pieces.) til 00 only for a Hot Air and Air Tight Cook Stove, with furniture $15 00 only or a splendid large oven Hot Air Cook Stove, with furniture complete If you want a good heavy, well made Stove or Home Manufacture, varri- ted, and at a saving of one third the price, call at either 31 or 17 Main street.



ERIE, PA. Babker8, Collection and Exchangb Brokers: AND DEALKIlfl IN LAND No. 1 West Seneca Street, Id Door from Main, BUFFALO, 2T. Y. f3w Business Paper discounted and Jtfer to Marine Rank, Buffalo; New Tork and Erie -Bank, do.

James C. Harrison, American Exchange Bank. New York Ohio Life Jns. A Trust do; fc. W.

Clark A Philadelphia. mrlOtf Eastern STOVES. Hoauekeepcr's rtensUa of all Klade, sons wh hav used It, aad they are ssach pleased wilb. it i- the advertisement. Mieacnwi ReouUieff' WOODEN WARE, TIN WARE, ENGLISH AND FRENCH O.

I. WOOD A Proprietors, ft S14 Broadway, New York. TON, ST. LOUIS, CAUtO, and all points I WEST AND SOUTH WEST! Only one change of cars betweea Niagara Falls and For saleat maBBfactarer's price ta Bstsla by William King, Charles Coleman, O. H.

P. Cheaapua, SBerth A Williams, C. B. Andrews A J. H.

CoUmsa A Co. ei 4 BITUMEN UTKHBILB, RICH SILVER PLATED TEA SETTS. AJfJS EtTJOE.E'r, tett S4S Main street, east side, near the Clinic has. Chicago. 8PITZMIL.1.KII 4t BUKHAtnC AN, Baggage cbecked tarougn to Detroit or unicaso.

THROUGH TICKETS Great Semi-Annnal Sale! I COMMENCING MONDAY, FEB'Y. 4, I806. BENSON Ac BCCKLAJVD, 81 Main Street, WISHING TO REDUCE THEIR STOCK before taking an inventory, and to make different arrangements for the SPRING CAMPAIGN, offer their entire assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods AT COST! I As this sale occurs bat twice a year, and as we have ne wet Goods nor burnt Goods, neither Bankrupt Stock, to offer- our Customers, but a well assorted assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. An examination is solicited at the Cp Town Emporium. 1 BENSON A BUCKLAKD, fe4 816 Main street.

to the above point can be obtained at the Ticket Office of Plslpps Union Female Seminary THE SPRING TERM OFTHIS INSTITU-tion opens on tbe 20th inst. For further information enquire of A. M. CLAPP, Senior Editor of the Buffalo Express, and one of the patrons THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDT. Ir Taanas Clarke's th Erie Street Depot, and at the Geheral Agency o'thls Company, No.

17 Exehange street, Buffalo IjXIR SALE STORE 809 SENECA STREET, lot 90x100 w.U be sold cheap and oa easy terms. Also, 25x100 feet adjoining the above, easterly, with brick barn in the rear. DKALBH9 IB HARDWARE, STOVES, CUTLERY, LOCK AND TIN SMITHS, SILVER-PLATERS AND BELL-HANGERS. No. 844 Main Street Buffalo, N.

Y. A. BrrrxaULLBB. c-r. bcehbmai Locks repaired and.

every kind of Tinsmithing and Jobbing done. I JL mnm nnn a is.s,ss rnn a a-i va a juuiuo siuld, Lteoerai ageni. JOHN CORNING, Receiver. no48tf of the Sc hoofs Catalogues can be had, promptly, by ad- Also, 15 acres of garden land on Abbott Road, I miles Sail and Rigging JLofts. Complete suits of Sails and Gangs of Rigging furnished of the best materials and on favorable terms.

The work done by experienced Riggers and Sail Makers. Constantly on hand the most approved styles of Duck, Russia Bolt Rope, Bnnting Cordage, Ac Ac. Agents for WALKER'S PATfcNT 8U1P LOOS, improved from Mersey's." TAYLOR A JEWETT Ship Chandlers, Marine Block, -1 mrlO Buffalo, N. Xj urcssmg uie rruicinais auu jrrupriewrs. II.

L. ACHILLES, mr7tf Albion, (Orleans N. Y. R. LEE A HOPKINS CO, 'BUFFALO, "BROWN'S BtnLDLNGS," 181 MAIN ST.

NEW YOBK. rrom slain street. Also, 1 story cottsge and lot on Sixth street, $1060. 1V 12U0 1600 Ninth 1T0O 114 Palmer, 1S0O IV" line briekhoase Michigan'- MOO BULLY A ECKLEY, Citteen and Farmers' Laad Oftea, mrll 4 Hollister BuUdiags. negotiated on DRAFTS Bjsued and CREDITS all the principal cities of -i AMILY ECONOMY THERE IS NO PART of family expenditure so necessary to comfort and good health, as proper medical aid in time of need.

Dr. Jas. McClintock, founder or Philadelphia College of Medicine, has prepared a tet of Family Medicines each article is for a separate disease, and is the result of thirty years' successful practice and experiment, In cases of sickness, call for the Doctor's Catalogues, and select the antidote for your complaint, and relief is sure to follow. Sold by 0. H.

P. CHAMPLLN, 290 Main st west Eagle, UNITED STATES, ENGLAND, FRANCE, ICELAND, GERMANY, SCOTLAND. Small drafts en England, Ireland and Scotland furnished at the rate of five dollars per pound sterling without EXTRA charge. FIVE HUNDRED PIECES FANCY DRESS SILKS, TO CLOSE OCT A JOB LOT, Will be sold by MURRAY CUM MING, At Half tbe Original Cost I These Goods will be set aside fum our other Stock, and" are really the BEST BARGAINS we have ever offered. HURRAY CTJMBTXHTCI, fe Stf 194 Mate and 39 Pearl Street.

an Englishman, aged about S3, a gentleman in the employ IMPORTANT NOTICE To the People of Bnffal. of tbe American Express Company, says the Courier, dittt. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 11 Central Especially for the sale and purchase of Flour, Grain, Provisions and Produce generally, i N. Co.

oill at all time be ttoeted with the varioue grade of Ouusiiautti manufactured Lard Oil and Star Candle. i YOUNCt AMERICA HOTEL, Corner of RdnSolpH and Deatiom et. Chicago, NOW OPEN ON THE EUROPEAN STYLE, rUBMISHBn! AKB DKCORATEn TSKOCCUBOirT IN A STYLE OF MAGNIFICENCE UXSUP.PASSED IN THE UNION. mylstf Holms A Waits, Proprietors, (late of St. Louie, Mo.) SMITH CHABD, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Office, jVo, 11 Exchange Street.

Uncurreut Money, Gold and Silver bought and sold. Domestic and Foreign Exchange, Ac.j Ac. Collections made in all parts ottheCnitol States, in the Canadas and in Europe with promptness. Wm. Smith, i vm if Wm.

A. Chabd. Wholesale and Retail Agent for Buffalo and Erie Co. Prepared from a piescription or Sir JanieB M. Physician Extraordinary te the This invalaabte Medicine is unfailing ia th cure of anf thoss painful and dangerous diseases incident to the lef" male constitution.

It moderates ad excess, removes ail sketrastloa, and brings on tf monthly period with regalarity. These she Id be used two or three weeks previoesteooBBoemeari they fortify the coastloattea, and lessen th sneering dm. teg labor, eeabung the msther te porterm kwr dattes wiiK safety te herself and ebild. The pill should sot as takes by fc aisle dsn-tag th FIRST THREE MONTHS or Pregnaacy as they art sure to bring en Miscarriage, but at aay other tan they are In all eases of Norvoas aad Spinal te the. Bach and Limbs, Heaviness, retiree on aUgbt nartten, Palpltattea of the Heart, Lswnsss ef Spirits, Hyatericsy Sick Headache, Whites aad aR she painful dtesases eetai stoned by a disordered system, these pifle will IBs Lie cur a-' when ail other saeans have railed, aad althoagh a pewrrfal remedy, do aot ceetaia trea, salemsl, antimony, or anjj ether mineral.

Full directions secompaBying each package. Price, in th UsHWd BtaSrs and lanada. One DoUar. f. Sole Agents la th United States, i LO.

BALDWIN A (Late I. Bryaa,) Rocbester, N. V. TTJTTLE AAfOSES, Aahara, N. General Agenu.

N. B. 1 eaclesed to either ef the Geeerai agents elijl easaresbettteof th piU by retare mad. For sate by all druggists in Bustste, aad dreggiate gea rally. ea'Ab-darly i EXPRESS BOOK-BINDING AND RULING ESTABLISHMENT.

COLLINS ii Blank Book 156 1-3 Slain Street, 1 ilormimg Srpreet Building, Buffalo, jr. Y. T. F. Colurj, H.H.

Curr, Jos. Waanusoi Co. are prepared to furnish at the shortest notice full setts of Booksfor Banks, Kail Road and Steamboat Lines, Forwarders, Insurance Offices and Merchants ia general. Periodicals and old Books rebound in the rdost approved styles of the day. mrfetf cEiiLKlowjif, X-RECTIF YIN DISTILLERS BUFF ALOj CkrwrrTad Waehinaton Street.

Wouesdaiy from the effect or an injury which be received on Thursday last. While engaged In the stable beloaring gTJRROCNWNG COUNTRY, AND ALSO THE PEOPLE 10 SAL A LOT CON AININ TAPSCOTT etc A. CO -100 acres of good garden land, situate on the Sulphur Springs road adjoining the City line on the west. ne of Liverpool dt London Fpcket Ship. mriiO OF CANADA.

On the 16th and 16tb of each and every month tbe well known and Justly celebrated. Indian Herb Doctor, R. J. Lyons, aw vst isrisi anrsiieiiift WiU visit Buffalo and caa bo consulted and his Medicine, COMMEUCIAL PBI5TI9G, RTJUKO AJfD, BISDIHG. Pabaoh Jobhsoh, 161 Main street, Commercial Advertiser Buildicr, Buffalo.

1 BLANK BOOKS of every descriptjohjfalways on hand, or made to order. i OLD BOOKS rebound in every vafiety of style. CLOTH AND LEATHER CASES if the newest patterns, made to order. .1 BINDING FOR PUBLISHERS upon the most reasonable from datura's uarden, ooiaweo aitne CLARENDON HOTSL. Let one and all who are suffering with diseases ef th Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In Highwines, 170R SALE A LOT 26x86 1-2 WITH A one story frame ho use, convenient and in good repair, situate on Union street between Eagle and Clinton streets.

Also, a lot MIxlTS oa Seneca street, between Chicago street and Kinny 's Alley, running through to Folsesn-st, with a two story frame house on Seneca and a oa story fiame bouse on Folsom street. i Also, a lot 80xSe on EUlcoU, wast side, between Huron and Genesee streets, with a ne and a half story frame house. 1 1 Also, a One story frame boose oa William street, south side, tb tent east of Walnut street, with lot 5x4, i -Alcohol, Double Refined Pure spirits, Cologne Spirits, Rec Lungs, Heart, Liver and throat, and all diseases of tbe Blood or any other complicated Chrooie computet ef long standing-, by all means avail themselves of thiachanc without delay. By so doing they will escape the tree erase Also, zoxsu on tne canal, scum side, about 00 feet west ofslip No. 3, below the Niagara Falls Depot.

Also, lz5xlOTBOn North Division street, south side, between Pollard and Urosvenor streets. Also, 70x145 on Terrace, south side, south-east corner of Henry street. i Alio, 25x60 on Henry street, west side, 250 feet south of the Terrace. Apply at GEO. A.

SHERMAN'S, 8 Brown's Buildings. THE SUBSCRIBERS WILL ISSOE HAND-some Portraits of the various political nominees for the Presidency, as soon after the nominations aie made as practicable. FILLMORE AND DONELSQN are now in hand, and will be published in the course of this month. Als in progress, a beautiful show card, in colors, of the inferior view of A. MATHEWS DRUG WARREN A BUKLL, Lithographers, Engravers A Publishers, tified Whiskey, Old Eye wnisaey, uomesnc sranuies ana Oin.

Also, a superior article' of 05 per cent Alcohol, for Burning Fluid. Orders promptly Shed at the lowest market prices. 1 i fw-Dealersin the above articles are invited'to call and terms, at now York prices. jazetr of that curse of th human race. Mercury, aad other ON examine ourstooKDetorepurcnaamgeuewnerei Xv where) Apply at ueu.

a. nnssaiss uas unte. Mineral poiaona. nay more, tney win eeceme see mor in full possrsion of that greatest af all earthly blsssiiigs HE SUBSCRIBER WILL LEASE JL long term the tettewteg deatrabte hotet reaceek atieta, south side, Am KL THOMAS OLABK. ICDUU B.

r- BROWS, nrg no. srtvs'l Buuoings. com RICiUIOIID da CO I R. KB Bf WICK. PRACTICAL PLUMBER, 243 MAIN STREET, At Dudley's House xaxmUuMng Store.

I Gives his personal attention to House Plumbing in all its branches. Niagara Water brought into buildings. All work entrusted to H. wiU be done in the most workman-like style. B.

BENrV lCK, vmiatf 8481 Main street. W. LEA SZ, Manufacturer of every variety of VERANDAS, BALCONIES, BALUSTRADES, IKON FENCE, IRON DOORS, 8HUTTEH4, Ac. I Main south of Chippawa opposite North Church, BUFFALO, N. YJ I N.B.


P. AT. PICKET, DEALERS IN ICE, Have on hand and offer lbr sale the largest aad best stack of tee ever put up id this market. Their stock amounts to upwards of 10,066 tens lake Erie ice, and they (eel confident mt being abte te nfl ail demand with which they may be favored to the satisfaction of their customers. Steamers, Propellers, Hotels, Batees, and Boarding hoase supplied st liberal rates.

Also, families supplied. Ail orders left with H. Lamb, Main or Job A merger, corner Franklin street and Terrace, will have prompt attention. yy mrl st They will make advances on property for shipment and to tho Company, ope of the horses kicked him just over tbe right temple, breaking the skull. The operation of tre-- panning was performed on Monday'by Doctors Lockwood and Pratt, but their efforts were unsuccessful, the case being beyond the reach of human skill.

Biuiais said to hava been an industrious and deserving young man, and was a favorite with his employers. tS We-understand that the laborers engaged on the enlargement of the Canal in the vicinity of Black Bock, hava been amusing themselves for a few days past by assaulting every person who has chanced to come into heir locality. They have beaten several persons severely. Warranto are out and the offenders will be arrested as soon as the Police can lay hands on them. Thirty-nine, well laid, on is tbe proper punishment for such chaps, who think because it's a "free counthry" they are at liberty to beat every body's brains out UJ" Maf.

Martin's Benefit. We learn with pleasure that to-morrow evening has been set apart by tho management of tho Metropolitan Theatre, for a Complimentary Benefit to Mr. MABTUEtha Property Man the institution. We regard this as but a just tribute to BB ladustrious and worthy attaehe of the establishment, It presents strong claims upon the public for liberal- Ity. It will be recollected that Mr.

MAjma tost his well-tag and contents by fire recently, and suffered severely by tho calamity. We hops that his loss may in some degree be made up to him upon this occasion. ty Chicago Harbor is becoming go very had tor tho entrance of vessels, that the new Mayor, Ur. Dram, remarks "The greatest obstruction to our marine Who are sa Bering with those various diseases pee slisr to their sex are requested by no saeans to despair of a permanent cure until they ha ve given the Indian Herb Doc ter and bia Medicines a fair and faithful trial. Tbe expert eoc do N.

Division north aide, I do ao skte BeAaio Creek, 2 Id do Ship foot of Main-si I do Seneca sL, 8. aid, next to Caatom Moase Als will sU ILoeiaaEvaas street, south aide, h. i Lack street, Evaas aad Eri street. CHAS. E.

bHkPAAD, sale East. i TBOMAalucnMoin) will give special attention to Teasel Aiencias-wiU buv and procure cargoes. THE FIRMS OF -HOLT, PALMES A O. N. CHAP1N "Albany, MALLORY, HOLT Hew York, I are this day dissolved by mutual consent.

Tho unsettled business of the several firms will be settled by Rufus C. Palmer and George w. Holt, Buffalo; Ogden N. Chspin, Albany James H. Mallory and H.

N. Holt, New Tork. Buffalo, Feb. SO, ISM. RUFU8 O.

PALMER, i GEOiSGE W. HOLT, OGDEN ft. CHAPIN. nrrlv No. 156X Main street.

Orders for the purchase of Wheat or other Property, will and success of 13 yean practice dnring she Iksrter a travel-icg ia all the principal parts of th Gteter' enables him with the utmost warrant a ear where ether emiaeat Professors or in other words Csjoatel doctors have A WortJ. to Parent! ra7" Orders promptly attended to, And on the most rea- receive prompt attention. (3PpfBce on the Dock, foot of State St. I mylOtf Ofltee k. 1 Exehet ge-st.

A 1 Bsra-tw onameterms. aptfSly 1 8 5 CAMEBOA MeKAl, Has now on hand YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, of all descriptions, and for ill ages, from three to twenty years, at 218 Main at fTownsend RAIHICE ltlCHARIS01 PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER I I TAXES Has jast received a very iarg ssssrfjnent SHITS aad BEAWEEa, 1 ia ilstli ta part aa tellews failed to giro relief. A Pamphlet containing a short history af Medicine, ateo a brief sketch of tbe Deeter's life, stady aad extensive travel caa be nbteteed gratia at his seta at tho Clarendon Hotel. e-Cooulttion and advice given freeof csarrgc. Th CARPET, UPHOLSTERY AND PAP! fee28dw JAMES H.

MALLORY. Y. i COMMISSION MEROH. No. 18 Central Wharf, Buffalo, N.

Hall Blocks. seSOtf For KJ FEET OF LAND ON; MAIN STREET, rj I through to Washington street adjoins Williams' Carriage Factory. Long time given for payment. Also, 60 feet Franklin stree, 30 Seet deep, opposite Judge Masteh's lesidence. On teag ttesa and first payment small.


Flour Inspector Uto.i THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING JUST RE-tnrned from New Sorfc with a tell and complete as HANGING WAREHOUSE! I No. 125 Main Street, ManHon Home Block, Buffalo, Jk. Camcsob. Alxx. M'Kit.

A freneral aaMrtment of Carpets, Rues, Drue- aiersee, 1 sarnies, I ju SAGE Mosic play- Particular attention paid to the sal JL A SONS, SO MaiMf reel, pubHsh all of or purchase lamb's West, SUsOed Osttoa, nolx el by Poppenberg's Orchestra, which is allowed of fiawk, UKAtn, anu rroauce in general. oy an to ABWeol, GaaaoWesl. mrltf iN. 28 Main street. shall issue in H- HAOAH Oi Poor will be liberally considered.

Rooms opes from A. M. to 12 M. and i to 8 P. M.

i tyf Ressember that the Indian Herb Doctor's office is at No. 74, aad ii, Arcade Hall, over the PastOsSee, Rochester. Rrsidrnr Ke.14 Chesnat street, door from Elm street, west side. ieSA-ly gets, India Mattings' and Floor Oil Cloths, Feather Beds Mattresses and Cushions, Paner Hangings and Borders, be the best Mnsie extant for Dancing. We a few days several new Polkas.

Wholesale Dealers In mrl2 J. SAGE A 80N8, 909 Main-st Window Shades, cords and assels oi all colors, otlg and Worsted Damasks, Moreens, Laces, Fringes, Gimps, and GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, Cantea PIsaaM, Bia Mixed Fadili. Tetether wins every te tag alee ta th Faraiehmg hac, aA TEBIB AND BOTH CIXrTHIhti, 18 MAIN STREET, TOWNSEND BALL ELOMC selidtf VI mrSO Ao. TV Mam street. Embroidered Aluslins, Ac, couataniiy on hand.

COIXIGOS7 f. CLARKE, GUTHRIE STCRGES BRASS FOUNDER AND MACHINIST, FORWARDING A COMMISSION rpHE LAUGHTER CREATED BY THE President of the bite Republic Festival, where he made the reqaest that those boys would) not drink so much of Champlin'a Xylophloriom is only equalled by the prates of those wh have used it ia the legitimate way. It is the but preparation for the hair extant. 1 O. H.

P. CUAMPLIN, mrld 290 Main at, corner West Eagle, Proprietor. Corner Washinarton and Perry ltd- commerce, and to the whole navigating interests which A sortment of Honse Furnishing Embracing oneof the largest and most complete stock ia this city! of Tear Trays, Tea Bete, Wooden and Willow Ware, Kitchen and Table Cutlery, French and English Cooking Utensils, Ac, wnich they will sell as low as the lowest, and warrant as good as the best. fir- Remember th place. No.

3 Seneca street, r. tween Webster A and Geo. Gage's well knows Family Grocery EstaLiishmenta. PIERCE A CHAXPUN. JUST RECEIVED AT THE AGENCY, NO.

3 SENECA STREET, A full supply of the celebrated Stewart's COOKING STOVE, warranted te give satisfaction ar tbe money refunded. mrS-Ssa nESCX CHAMP LJN. UAUT BHOTIIKItS I BUFFALO CTTY O-P ARTN ERSHIP NOTITBE UN- dersi fried have this day formed a Co-partnership under the firm aad nam of Sid waysf Skinner A Mso're, for th purpose ef carrying on the Ship Chandlery, Grocery and Provision Business, sod will open their Es-tebUahsaenl at No. 1 Mid ray Buildiiigs Jng Wharf, corner Dock and Water streets. JONATHAN SIDWAY, Basaio, March 1st, 185.

ORVILL B. SKIN si EU, Bv7lf CHEefTEB MOORE, FRANKLIN SIDWAY. PIWr4ItAAHIC ABTD bAAKOISCOFXC B-xaraeBiBeKitiEHj O. B. Evabs would most reepecifuBy give notice that be will be fully prepared toetedbte all varieties of aoUtf bDFFALO Great Clot bin nail.

218 Main Street, Twastad Hall Block. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. YATES Has inst received hi Fall Stock of MENS and BOYS' CLOTHING aad FTJRNISHIN0 GOODaV. Any Oialli siis msr -i ths asset la ioo.kle atvte. and made ap ia the amet darable No.

11 Central Wharf, Buffalo, N. Y. Liberal advances made oa sll kicdsof produce for sale ta thia and Eastern Markets. 8. STEVENS, Imnorter and Dealer g-'C7 Particular attention paid to purohasing Produce WINES, LNJUORS AND CIGARS, OB oruera.

Cvbdb CtAUB. i the late firm of Walker A Clarke. aplStf 148 Jfossi Street. Bufalo. I '(HE HOUSE 61 EAST SENECA STREET, long known as a bearding house has been fitted op in One order by the Insurance and is prepared to 8.

8. Goraaix u. Buckingham A Guthrie. rW" Ptease call and Bastefy yearsetvea that yea caa a laiaatthis hoase aa (wed Mode CloiUnf aa yea PLANING MILL, DOOR, SASH, AND BUND MANUFACTORY i. BiT.

Jr. W. BVOvauee. K. B.

Daar. fy'' have bo ea hand large sss art wist arasetanl Ptao aod Ash Lamber, reagh aad dressed teete! Fleering, Ceiling, 'diag, PaaeUag, FbeiTteg Ac, dm ant BEAKDSLXY'S PREMIUM MACHINES. accommodate families or single gentlemen with rooms Alansfleid.Oh:. Bn otbwh, seeks a market at Chicago, is the ever badly conditioned entrance to oar harbor. It is a work which has, and ever will, reauh-e aa annual outlay to keep It even in a tolerable ardor." He recommends in immediate tax on thereal estate of Chicago In order to make a good harbor.

Chicago shoald do this without delay. AJTB SrOAR. The farmers seem to think thai they are lively to have a great deal more snow than sugar ia their woods this spring. -The depth of snow which to bow ka tho woods some three feet on the torcL-piasmila the Bosaflrflltvaf astttog around to tap the naner aad rJaas ulcteie in a tew 1 dsva. the City eaa ges mane mm oraw.

i eeaatt furnished or unfurnished, as desired. oet-81 II. II. CLAPP, Commiiouer of Deeds for OF BUFFALO. Momlng Sxpreaa Office.

cordially solicited te takes took at bis fic tares before par- SILK SILK er rate. i fel ri HOUSE AND LOT OH THE WEST BIDE chssing eiscBBere. i Stereoscopic, as well as Photographic pictares, the subscriber would wish to see compared with other SPRING STYLE CHINA ROBES China and Plaid Silk Robes new styles and entirely new designs, and very rich goods, some at very lew prices, received this morning. bu4 A SHERMAN A Co. P.

Im STERlfBKHG da COL- SeJierBOjerlsorn, WsttaOaa Ji KrUtoT GENESATi I COMMISSION I MERCHANTS, I roa THB balb or I- ALZ KINDS OF PRODUCE. 115 Pbobt Stbsxt, ajtd BrausaSui, Nrw Tout. BBTBBBBCBB.I I Ourtias.Btorrs A Ca T. Charles Cleaver. Chicago.

John West, I J. Haskins, Milwaukee. JAof EUicoU street. No. IS, sow occupied by 8.

T. AA- Warraated Ella dried doers, res, aUtede, FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS MMidhaA-Aaalwaae I and nronrietors of tbe SALE A TWO'STORT BRICK TROY AND WESTERN USX, waicr, aao. is wus as ee rentes. aid ef Vsath street, hesmded by Jersey aad Twelfth streets, hevrag a fioot af AM test a North street. i Alee, a isms aad let oa la east sad as state street, ta treaa and nmer the earn for boDin even if It will ran ft FOR I I hsnss SB lot XxUH te South Divistea street, fie.

ln.snuats, root or uoya street. Freedons of peecb. DR. FRENCH, WHO IS NOW IN CLEVE-tead, will visit basal a WADKEADAY, the 17th mac, for th purpose of caring thos wh ar afflicted with that most painful and mortdyiagof all habits, BtaAteriag and rjtsmmering. I He can refer to more than Bfty mt th ttteens mt Cleveland, who know that radical aad pis saaaiat ewe hava been effected by bia treatment.

He wiH CHARGE NOTHING if he fails to care, aad will terteU Ob Tboasaad Dollars if any a cast Statscr stsmmsr and feOowhis directions. 1 fetUf rf Dr. F. may be found at the Clarendon Hotet Bam 'I L. Vetberell 4 FARMS! FARMS! FARMS ALL THE Counties, of ail sizes and descriptions, Improved and unimproved, for sale at th Citteen A Farmer's Land Office, 4 Hollister Building, STJLLYI A ECKLEY.

I. BIDWELU and that seems to be a question ef doubt, as there is but little it any frost left lath ground In tho woodlands i Maple sugar-win be among tho luxuries, unless ur infor front ef Afiea street, feet front, raausteg tkroagh SAUeTB jucnarovon, I xi, uwi. Leonard, Sturdeman A Co New Orleans. spStf JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Viig, faaei and jobBawtBg aoMiosrecr.

sexe-nf DART A BROTH ARB, North aid Obi Boeing aaet Heafl Thlnt TRAT ED FROM THE CORNER CF DELAV was sad mil streete, te the Ctty ef th fimg rate aMBtkaste peer eMCtw and arweyer old hteiJer.heCh ef ate Dewenahire breed. Beth a brtgM red aad te good order. The Heiter had so gray teh whhe hois at lb end of th tail, aad terge her age aad ver AM, two sasey irasa awaae, gas and watar, hot and mm, rurmw, Ac, With 40 br UA situate a Mala street, betweea Huron aad Chip GEO. A SHERMAN'S, m-i Ko. Brewa Bnildlog.

ius, Has opened bis office at 147 Main Street, over ww 0kWmmUfmtm WmrVCmmi Ateo, alia Urn. li la the First Pi sabi tsrlais Chereh tin in AB f.ik Prica 1mT SSS For Sale. BttttoBUatraaK. Tjnnasaaa and Whalesate Dealers In the House Telegraph Office. jastf mmMm.

HADDOCA. GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, 4c TWO SECOND HAND LUMBER ONE Woodwobih a Youths Casxit. We HOSES SMITH. fozS-lai er eauteteg's Exchaag JL Horse Waggons. CUTTER, COYE A AUETLN, at Ste rune's Elevator an Norton st.

A Shfn Canal Lumber Dealer, have received from the Publishers the January, February ant March ambers of this useful and interesting Maga-sin tor the young. These numbers are filled with a va ttawt i Anil Also Foreign rrmtaPicfcles, netted (Jy tiers, Lopsterr j- PreBeTves, Ae. I Also Beeelvtnk la their seassnJ Oyster la shell rom Store Ho Hate street, Buffalo, i AawcraiSBwaraMaeaatetortawretaiBof or ter tefetmetioa grvea ktr they rsy det5f 9. DAE I0V. noo woeiongton Btfttt.

SUCCESSOR TO J. OODQX The Paper Ilanrlflr, iriSDOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, BaBsBds, OS Ctetes sad ether good saved rrem she late sate at very TH) RENT THE THREE UPPER STORIES ef the four story brick BWIdlBg Ne. Mala street, sailslds for BsereaatO mt awehanfcal parpen I. Ala, th three wpoer stsrles i' the five story brews free atone treat building, Ne. 14 Hal street, suiubte tor mtchaalral pai jiaats or societies i-BAppteaA GB.

A. EHEEMAR'B, brBrfi" No. Brown's Bwildiags. Ja9tf i bT-ab Ssa la -CO. i SALE A VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE and hat at Abbott's Corners, a pleasant village, IS mOes from Buffalo lot of aa acre, cover ed with trees, th fruit of which sold for lasts as sb bsssi tsfcry, wilh-r wings, and a good bam.

Price BASe.swry $11 re-auireddowm. Also, a tot of on acre, wtth yf mXm-rf hs mm mmrn, at a earner called Taylorsvflte, betwecB Aaswra aad Griffin's mffla, 15 saJes boas shitTale Biswd hoan J. 3. DK8HLEU. Tbe Schooner J.

W. about 'Jl LAKE, ine et e. DR. alNAi'P, OCCLIST-, AT KO. 146 rlety of soatterwoR adapted to instruct the minds of the jsssh, aad at embellished in a style of arustic elegance highly medllshss to th onterprtoe.

COMMlBSIOIf MERCHANT AND FORWARD thc Bterw Haas te rear of 7 OM stand, 174 Mate stress. my For parUcolars enquire at 118 Main street. deStf gAjSAC, AV1IX.OX dk Cu, ARCHTTEjCtS AND BXJILDLNG SUPERIN-I trndknth; 7 No. a Bremn'e JistfrftsMte. Buffalo.

AH orders, either aa Architects or Builders exe sit vw rsavuvm, aTo. 14' 15 Central Wharf, AM, "li. DGAR A. WOR1C FOURTH Akn fefSrADLoiaa Gvabm. The first inspection Ei Jisjr- Prod ace purchased orforwardedt order.

test Vil ibm ef his eoeantete Works. Waisrloa; OBV-ss to BssL THE ROOMS IN THE WEBSTER BLOCK, lately occupied by the Marin Bank. Isiquir with rooms and a wmm ahStf wjaisdaa Syee. she earteass it'll amteateaetlhaXsu 111 tniSilslk.iila i TW sine Mi tBoasmisieye Bonaio, Auguaa mjj. 4tfll and sector of this fin young Cosapaay, eesaea off at th Armory of th T4th Regiment, oa Monday evening Bravoa, trait tree.

Ac Prte ested with Bftimbteess aad In a style equal to any! in th WESTEBX SALE EXTRAORDINARY THREET.ARGX jsmmi trial tote la th heart ef tbsry. with extra water orrv ilise, hals ins af a terg estate sest be easd tecteessteat. rf W. L. BARSKB.

fex WtM Eeneea awe. BCAXTY. eal-4Ba SSABnHAI.I. HAKYEYi Maia-aL. oonniry- i i vnusiti Orsif Weclbrido and Third Street, JMreif.

GkteBB aad Faisms' load OftVae, S. SaOB, I U.Bl. wrLCOX, JCsxni Rnw liar sarnie, aad snacsrr. te eater aad THY8ICIAN3 PRESCRIPTIONS ACCUB- WHhin five rods Western Cars aad 8tesuabat Landing easreocsve aa ssraaieoy sari WAMHt, McaUM oj, fed ltaiaatreeC PRINTED CHOICE ssbbD agased aad hsight swaorter to say Bateajyat Waaght to this thia saorBteg, sard A Jtl a SHERMAN A Oa. S.l BtHnwmmr wsnissag.

precisely Kb aad ar teearted aad 1 tTIAlPSOStT) rati tlteateUswnti. BoardflBwrear- I LBADBBATBB. Bait S. S. LBABBBATIB js aiay sss nmmmj srciwiw mi sb racnsesl cine and at reasonable prices, at th Drag Bur at PRODUCE! COMMISSION! MERCHANTS, With set the igwtest seteer osereaoa Ptests ei Ireaacaessiaiiiaawites 1 the Eye te a laslanl Thrr fl hoys" wm have a frfann af rtn nnJtTTnf- T-" occasion.

I would I -BbtT Sobi pretty feat time has been recently atsite bbiiB tin tWiil Bsllmsd OaWedBssday amrning th luinilh'i "Toonir America," drawing tw ears. Ol H. emust.ni 1M llaiw st earner Wrmt Bate. ww aiiMPMnsL I KEMUVAL. i rpHl AGENCIES OF THE EXCELSIOR IJEANCB COofXew Tsrt CVy, BOOEXTI FLU IM.

CO, af Braeklya, N. LSTXEJIATIOa AL ISA COef Kw Terfc City, Bat hose removed la the corner of Lloyd aad Priam AND 1 I sVl at 1 Owl nat BT0suaAt .1 Gloves, Ties. CravBt, Semrh, Stociu, Sa6jrj, Shirte, CeBara, Bwwewders, Shawis, Drrssinf leoes, Ac IS) laalm St. Tmanad HaJl BISMBr, i siHsf 3. efe Cm HITCHCOCK, -V PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT a SHIPPING AGENTS.

yo-B. tt Central Wharf, Bufjio, geo. w. Gates will sell foe mTfjCk'sfLXS AlfiTFLOCNCIglLK EOIJIil in te-otitel; diB. BBaaataiBgBsisiiietesBte Bsarket, "ISteteTte Bste 1Kb -tered Caestesrres for 1856 atteatteBBJd to Lbs purchase of floor and Grain oa orders, myStf iht ri 1 1 'n rsrs.

11011 1 SHOZPAC RECOLLECTIONS A WATSLDK GUsapas of American U'e. Br Walter March. Prie low. For sale by sarTl WANZKK, McEIM A trw Mala street. SPRING STYLES, ALL WOOL, MOOSELIX PeTilBM, wwtee aad nlnf maats, sllbthe rtea- cignqr-OB aueiy scrap see bj ine bbbsU cvrr WALREB Jti rT.IHVKL H.

W. AfXLX. AIi.Il dk CO- COS Ptooe Warttar. Mhak. FHeh sites, hs a hwtired attnmtes, being fh as.

jaAiaa, PRODXJCB COMMlSiilON MERCHANT, A J. A B. exfEEMtW a Cm. Sri' Ta-ismity Chi SALB 8LXP-No. irclt.

1 i 1ST TRIXITY PRODUCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I AfMkstes- IkiiilisiiMi war mad oa the Msanteate) laastia, SBaok ten, Imitatl Fitch, White sBlaokCSMy, with htA to saatchT at Ha. 154 Main-aC eo KO. w. Tlilisnsa llBisrate ONfl. VOSO, WKARX DAY ABE A C- H.

W. bIillab, 1 BCTTALO. BTt A A A CHKBM AJI A Oa. a. st.

ALLaa. XJ tlMearfvernsa1lad.asawgwBh Psriaa StataMry aa Vstn. EC. BROWN Jc CO. HAVE JTJST SLX-e est sod ho.

Maaalsiilai ss aad ssiaHth ter. alley aol aad a i aB teT til's Mmmrymmm tn4 BACMAT.V. Jb hAnnftlt I awlOdw J6 a. nwMLum yntaegu sqbs Xbt JUjmUU is incorrect i ha eorree- Wi tlosj af aihatw has ossJdia regard te aa toqoeat held Car sb ii sten on the hady a child found hi a privy several ittrliis mt USE AND XARINS iNRTTRAvnc atitvth Titrs. O.

-es HilL Thar ar sate Seeej sssmsd, bat oar te she oahy BUL Ther ar DESXIaVTilY. FRENCH RINTS SOO PLEC ii AUCHEST ssjlsi ladhlgb Ississaperted less aaaawav sa TOB SALE 1G ACRES TAXUABLB PINE ACRES OF LAND IN MILE STRIP NEAR 60 el 3 A 19 9 I JOB 'CTjaTOhl HODBB BDILDlaQg, BCTPALO. i. sVAGB A BtMM, Pes nek ns. a her.

'w aeeasvsw. aerrea shtemevasaaaw seeds tate tela ewstte haaetB teaadea te ad ead ess It Is aBl. i jr. mi bT W.UVAaAlt Maim sArsat. a.

fi-Ej. OBAAV J. SOUONaS Mala-, aHviqer sniaaia, am 4 J14-Ub: IS If ui; i srtti -m 1- aso i -st IseJ tl. JL lU-n'uiii iw iliVtf i vahs-tt t. avb I- -gs i s-ar Ate.

Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York (2024)
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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.